Road Crew is coming to Rock Your World!
Last Friday night I had my faith in rock and roll restored by a local rock band that just will have you craving more! Road Crew is from Santa Rosa, California (wine country just north of San Francisco) and Friday they were playing at one of the last venues we have here for enjoying live rock shows, The Last Day Saloon. We are still in shock over news that it will be closing in May. After the one and only rock station, the FOXX closed just a couple years ago, I was beginning to fear that rock and roll was dying in this area. I found myself making weekly trips to San Francisco, Sacramento and even Los Angeles to make sure I was getting my fix of rock and roll bands. I was so excited to find out that this great rock band, Road Crew was from right here! These four guys are rock and roll personified. They definitely have what it takes to keep the rock scene alive and they have the sound to prove [Read More]