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An interview with Country Rock artist Josey Milner

December 1, 2013

I have a secret for you. When I was young, there was a time when I was really into country music thanks to the guy I was dating, and I still have a soft spot for country. What I love is that over the years, country has been given a fresh vibrant life as rock n roll seemed to find it’s way in.  Today, there is a young country artist out there that definitely rocks the country music! That artist is the young and talented Josey Milner of Missouri. Josey‘s debut single, Not Pretty Enough not only had the country world taking a serious look at her talent but it also help launch her anti-bullying campaign as a spokesperson for her Angles and Doves. Josey  has recently released her new single, Cowgirls and it is definitely a crowd pleaser! We recently had the opportunity to interview Josey Milner and are pleased to present it to you here: * * * * *  Music Junkie Press: Thank you Josey for taking the time out to talk with us here [Read More]