William Control – pre-order for new EP starts tonight.
Pre-orders of the physical copy of ‚The Pale‘, the first of 4 EP’s. will commence tonight. There will be exclusive packages with pins, t-shirts and other stuff. The release date is set for October 14th. It’ll also be available on Spotify and iTunes. The record consists of the following songs The Monster 2. Confess 3. When the Love is Pain 4. Mother superior Pre-orders can be placed at http://www.controlmerch.com/. Also check out the recently released first single ‘The Monster’ For further informations go to William Control’s social media www.facebook.com/williamcontrolofficial http://www.williamcontrol.com http://twitter.com/williamcontrol http://williamcontrol.bigcartel.com www.controlmerch.com ~ Contributed by Alex Bock, https://twitter.com/abphotomjp