The ” Godfathers of Glam Metal” Wrathchild has been dishing up KICK ASS Rock n Roll for almost 35 years but nothing has slowed these guys down. In fact, you could say that their energy level has not only stayed as constant but even intensified. They are truly one of the most amazing bands to see live. I unfortunately, have not had the opportunity but with them working on a new album, we may just get them to come to the States and show everyone how its done.
Music Junkie Press: Thank you so much for giving us the time for an interview! We love Wrathchild out here and are so glad to share with our readers what is new with you guys.
Gaz Harris: Thank you for having us. Yes a lot as been happening in Wrathchild over the last few years. With STAKK ATTAKK 2 being so welcomed by old and new fans we have been busy playing festivals and gigs and also working on new material.
Music Junkie Press: We understand that you are working on a new album? How is that going and have you recorded yet?
Gaz Harris: The new album is coming along great with even bigger kick arse songs. I’m really excited about this album and cant wait till you can hear it,we are aiming for a release date early December.
Music Junkie Press: Do you guys currently have any shows coming up?
Gaz Harris: We have just done 2 festivals, and now we are back in the studio. I think we won’t be doing any more shows now till the album is launched. I must admit I am missing gigging. I am a people person. I luv meeting new fans at shows and the fans have been great welcoming me into Wrathchild over the years.
Music Junkie Press: We definitely love having you in Wrathchild! You guys just deliver intense energy on stage that is non stop. Do you have any pre-show rituals to get ready for your shows?
Gaz Harris: Now that’s a question, I spend a lot of time in the gym. Our shows we don’t do ballads, lol. So all our songs are high octane Rock n Roll. As a front man, the songs can only be delivered one way and that is a lot of movement and not sitting behind a mic stand. We don’t have a ritual, we just go into overdrive soon as we hit that stage and hope it shows in our performances.
Music Junkie Press: With Pop being so prevalent around us and so many people keep saying Rock is Dead. I personally don’t agree, since you just have to look for it and keep it alive. What is your opinion when people say Rock is Dead?
Gaz Harris: All I can say is look around, Rock n Roll is certainly alive and kickin arses. There are more rock festivals around now and every year they are growing, so no Rock n Rroll ain’t dead and never will be.
Music Junkie Press: Definitely, with bands like Wrathchild, it will never die! We currently have a big scene of teenagers who are just so engaged and interested in the ’80s Glam/Sleaze Metal and new bands are popping up and they are trying to make their own way. What advice can you give them about music?
Gaz Harris: Be strong follow, your heart. Don’t let the critics get you down, cos you are different ….different is where you want to be …you can succeed.
Music Junkie Press: That is some great advice and even for anyone at any age. If you could look back on all your shows, what is the craziest thing that has ever happened during a show?
Gaz Harris: Every show is crazy. In fact every gig, we are always looking for something different. That may be why our shows are so popular .
Music Junkie Press: We love our tattoos and you have so many awesome ones. I know mine all have a personal story, what is your favorite tattoo of yours and why?
Gaz Harris: I can’t say I have a favorite. I luv tattoos and my tattooist is a good friend of mine. I’m always looking for ideas for tattoos. All I can say 4yrs ago i only had 3 tattoos.
Music Junkie Press: If you could name one song of today’s pop genre that you wish was never around and that we could do without, what would it be?
Gaz Harris: Oh my god where do i start !!!
Music Junkie Press: Just the answer I was looking for!! Do you have any plans to come to the States, most specifically California? We are waiting and ready to show you our love for you guys!
Gaz Harris: We are working on this with the next album tour. I would love to bring Wrathchild to the states. So people reading this, lets make it happen. Wrathchild needs to come to the States ,and California is our first stop yes.
Music Junkie Press: We are ready to make it happen! Now, can you tell us 3 things that we might not have know about you?
Gaz Harris: I’m scared of spiders.I work out at the gym 5 times a week and run 30k a week . When i joined Wrathchild I was 13 stone in weight, now im 9.5 stone.
Music Junkie Press: Your vocal range is amazing and you can just about sing any song and it will amaze us! If you could take any song from any other genre and turn it into your own or a Wrathchild style, which would it be?
Gaz Harris: Well as we are talking California ,maybe it should be the Beach Boys California Girls and may be we will do it when we come over.
Music Junkie Press: Now that would be great! We have to really work on getting you guys out here!. We look forward to hearing more about you guys and please let us know if there is anything else you would like to share with us?
Gaz Harris: Find us on Facebook ,check out our website, find out the latest gossip in the Wrathchild camp, or even chat to us on Facebook. Thank you to all our fans out there who are following us a we will see ya soon.
Best Wishes, Gaz Psychowrath Harris
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- Website: www.wrathchildofficial.com
- Facebook:www.facebook.com/pages/WRATHCHILD/159310123763?
DAMN he works out a lot. watched some of their videos and heard they have always been a great live show. i think they were around doing glam in the UK before we had it here in LA