If you haven’t heard of this next band…..well.. then where have you been hiding? The Last Vegas has been one of the hottest fastest rising rock bands that delivers 80’s hard rock blended with heavy metal, a contagious attitude while creating their own unique sound. From the first listen, you will get hooked on their glam-punk sound with smooth sexy vocals and endless guitars.
Check out The Last Vegas on their single, “She’s My Confunsion” from their album Bad Decisions. You can really get to know this great band! From the bad ass bass intro to the vocal slide, this song is catchy and just gets you moving!
We are pleased to bring you an interview with Danny Smash, bassist for The Last Vegas:
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Music Junkie Press: Thank you so much guys for taking the time out to talk with us here at Music Junkie Press. I look at your tour schedule and you have a very busy schedule ahead. We really appreciate your time.
Can you tell us how is the new record coming along? Any title as of yet or estimated release dates?
Danny Smash: Hey Music Junkie Press!!! At the moment the album is getting close to completion. We are currently finishing up vocals and then next week it goes in for mixing and then mastering. So things are moving along quite well. I believe were looking at an October release, and the working title is unfortunately a secret until the powers that be say we can spill the beans
Music Junkie Press: Okay, we will try and wait patiently! We want to share the link with our audience about the Pledge campaign where they can be part of the process in making this album and be one of the first ones to get it along with some great pledge packages like Roadie for a Day, Autographed Guitar, BBQ Party and so much more. We see that once you reach our goal some of the proceeds will be donated to Rock for Kids. Can you tell us about that organization?
Danny Smash: Fans can participate at Pledgemusic.com. We have all kinds of fun stuff to choose from including the pre-sale of the album. its a great opportunity to be close to the action. yeah, we decided to give a little back to the kids. Rock for Kids is an organization that helps underprivileged kids get access to music education.
Music Junkie Press: That is great news! We just got the custom made Chad Cherry vest! We understand that you guys are setting off to a World Tour right after the record release, will this be your first overseas tour and what are the places you are most excited about playing?
Danny Smash: Yeah were planning out a European tour right now. We’ve actually been there a handful of times, but its always great to go back. European rock fans are great. This is going to be the first time we play the UK, which is a dream come true. I know all of us in the Last Vegas worship a lot of English bands so its an honor to play in the motherland of bands like the Stones, Led Zeppelin, the Who and One Direction.
Music Junkie Press: When you go out on tour, what are three things that you have to have with you?
Danny Smash: Ha, lets see…… I definitely need by toiletries bag or as my friends call it “my man purse”. I also need my cowboy boots and a bottle of Febreeze. I can get rather ripe out there on the road. I use it like a cologne.
Music Junkie Press: Febreeze!! That is like a tour necessity, having a 15 year old at home, I don’t let him leave the house unless I completely Febreeze him!! You guys definitely have some incredible music videos. We love them and I have to tell you “She’s My Confusion” is one of the best as it features the infamous ghost story of Resurrection Mary. Do any of you have any of your own ghost stories to share with us?
Danny Smash: Thank you! We’ve been lucky to have worked with some very talented people like the good folks at Motion Source and Whitewall Jones. Unfortunately we’ve all lead rather boring lives when it comes to the world of paranormal activity. However, Im still waiting to meet Sasquatch someday! I heard he’s actually a nice guy!
Music Junkie Press: With the comeback of Music Videos, which Music Video from the past (your childhood, etc) made the most impact on you or you remember the most?
Danny Smash: That’s a good question. It’s probably between 100 miles and Runnin’ by NWA and Live Wire by Motley Crue. I could watch those videos over and over again without getting tired of it. Easy E and Vince Neil were both blessed with cool voices. I wanted a band that looked as cool as Crue and had the attitude of NWA. oh yeah and then came Guns n Roses.
Music Junkie Press: Now that is a crazy cross selection there! I like your versatility! If The Last Vegas could put together their dream lineup, what three bands (living or dead) (broken up or together) would be on the lineup?
Danny Smash: The original New York Dolls, The Runaways, and 70s era KISS. How visually fun would that show be. And im a Cherie Currie groupie!
Music Junkie Press: Can you share with us what was your first concert that you went to?
Danny Smash: Yes it was KISS and I still have the ticket stub. Ted Nugent was the opening band. I was in the very first row and Paul Stanley tried to toss me his pick and i missed it. I cried myself to sleep that night….
Music Junkie Press: I have had memories like those! If we could peak into your Ipod/Playlist, what artist/song might we be most surprised at finding in there?
Danny Smash: After years of ritually defending old school rock n roll and the means by which its played (ie vinyl). ive finally starting digitally downloading new music for the first time in my life. I’ve discovered some really cool new bands like San Cisco, Wavves, Awolnation, Black Veil Brides, and Foster the People. I’m also a huge fan of the Bee Gees and The Eagles.
Music Junkie Press: Those are actually a great group of bands that everyone loves! I like your selection and you can never go wrong with the Bee Gees With the 80’s coming around in popularity once again, what 80’s era song would you say is your anthem or theme song?
Danny Smash: Edge of a broken heart by Vixen. Just kidding!
Islands in the stream by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.
No, thats not it either.
I Love Rock n Roll by Joan Jett! That’s the one!
Music Junkie Press: So you had us complete scrambling there and ended up with one of the best anthems, I Love Rock n Roll! If you could describe the music of The Last Vegas to someone using food terminology or as a “meal” what would you say The Last Vegas is like?
Danny Smash: Our music is like that McDonalds Fry that you find in the crack of your car seat two weeks after you ordered it. Its hard, crunchy, greasy, and it never dies! You have the temptation to eat it, even though rational thought would say you probably shouldn’t.
Music Junkie Press: Ok, I think everyone has had that experience with the french fry stuck in the car seat and I know if it is going to taste as good as the Last Vegas sounds, DAMMIT I am going to EAT IT!!!
If you could go back and talk to your 14 year old self, what advice would you give to yourself?
Danny Smash: “Take your allowance and invest in a company called Microsoft”!
Music Junkie Press: If only we knew then! Lastly, is there anything else you would like to share with our audience?
Danny Smash: Let me share a great piece of Platonic-like philosophy I read on a partition in a mens lavatory……….
“Its hard to fly like an eagle when your hanging around a bunch of turkeys”!
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That is a great interview with an equally awesome rock band. You have to check these guys out! Make sure to head over to their Pledge Music page and help to become part of their next album and future European tour! We did, we picked up the Chad Cherry Custom Vest! So let us k now what you are planning on doing and also pick up their latest CD on their website at www.thelastvegas.com. Also if you are anywhere near one of their upcoming shows, make sure to check them out and send us your photos! We can’t wait to catch these guys here on the West Coast!
~ Enjoy, Marisol
Information & Links:
- Website: www.thelastvegas.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/thelastvegas
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/thelastvegas
- Youtube: www.youtube.com/thelastvegasvideos
Upcoming Tour Dates:
i am loving these guys. when they come to arizona i am there. we need more cuties that can play like they DO! Rock N Fuckin Roll!
Thanks for sharing this! Been a TLV fan since I first met them in Feb 2011, 18 shows later…still enjoying every one! Everyone who loves RocknRoll needs to experience them at least a few times! Great bunch of guys, and Danny is too funny!