Justin Furstenfeld opens his heart on his Open Book Tour

Justin Furstenfeld

A few months ago I told you about how one of my favorite singers announcing his solo tour to highlight the release of the third edition of his book! Yes, Justin Furstenfeld of Blue October. You can read that post here.

Well, I can’t wait to tell you how everything went. First, remember when I told you I took my son Rockin Ryan to see Blue October in November 2012 and how Justin loved Ryan’s jacket and Ryan was going to make one?? Read that post here.  Well, Ryan spent the past two months making one for Justin and couldn’t wait to give it to him at the show last Friday at The Observatory in Santa Ana. We set out for the 7 hour drive right after dropping Brandon off to school, perfectly scheduled to arrive at 3:45 in plenty of time for the Meet and Greet and Soundcheck. Well, we didn’t calculate the 10 miles per hour traffic from LA to Santa Ana. 9 hours later! We arrived late at 5:25 and missed most of the private sound check songs but made it in time for Ryan to give Justin his jacket that he designed. It was great. He put three stars on the back top, one for Blue, one for Sayde  Bell and one for Sarah. He has the heart logo on the back with the words: “My Heart Bleeds Blue”. It really turned out nice and Justin was really gracious and liked it. Ryan is always so shy and was so nervous, hoping he would like it and after Ryan was grinning from ear to ear!

Well the night was incredible. “Open Book Tour” truly was an open heart experience. Justin poured himself out from the pages of his book and you were able to really get an intimate look into the life of Justin and his writings. I have been listening to him with Blue October for the past 15+ years and their music was like therapy for my soul. I instantly connected and was drawn into the Blue October family as so many have. It truly is like a family and when I meet someone who loves them as I do we seem to become instant friends, similar to how you might bond with someone you meet in rehab or a support group. You instantly know that they have been through something before and just like you, found solace and peace through the music of Blue October and Justin’s words. I have met people who have shared stories of how their music saved their lives and you know, I am one of them too. We are a family, caring for each other through music.

Back to the Open Book Tour, it was wonderful to see Justin in such a good happy place just like the last time I saw him. Yes, he talks about how happy he is and his life with Sarah and his new little girl. It is beautiful to see and witness how we have all grown and are becoming happier each day.  In addition to playing some of his greatest songs for us, he also did a Question/Answer session in between reading from his book. We even got to find out what Justin would like us to cook him for dinner and did you know that he likes “BlueBell Gingerbread ice cream” for dessert??? Some of the songs for the night were

  • Black Orchid
  • Clumsy Card House
  • Calling You
  • Hate Me
  • Into the Ocean
  • Graceful Dancing
  • Should Be Loved
  • Worry List
  • Define the Trail
  • The Scar

It was an incredibly awesome night. Some of these songs are so meaningful to me and I was so grateful to hear them. “Hate Me” was a song that I first heard when I was dealing so much anger in my life. It helped me through those hard times and to express my anger through music. “Into the Ocean” was a song that helped me through my losing my father in 2011. I would leave his bedside at the hospital every night to drive home for 4 hour sleep to return back to his side. On the ride how I would play this song over and over and it helped me cope with losing him. “Worry List” is the most special song for me. My father used to always tell me he couldn’t die on me or leave me because he worried so much about me. I remember when he was dying, he kept hanging on and it broke my heart. I remember whispering into his ear the day he died to not worry anymore about me, I was going to be fine. He died 20 minutes later and that song just reminds me to be strong and know that I will be okay.

There were some things that just ticked me off but I brushed them off. First we had to deal with a couple intoxicated people who kept talking at the beginning and interrupting Justin during the first couple songs. He quickly resolved that by having them removed. It was done so well and he said it perfectly when he said, “I want to use this time to connect with you guys and not to worry about some asshole.” Justin you did connect with us and we thank you for that. Later in the evening, we had to deal with the background noise of a band playing in the front of the Observatory. This was so unbelievably loud! So many of us complained and tried to get them to turn it down. So disrespectful to Justin and the entire show. Few minutes later, they started to play even louder, you can hear it on some of the last songs. One of the sound guys even apologized to all of us as he went in the back and asked them to turn it down too! Observatory should never be allowed to double book and especially during an acoustic show!

So here is what I need to tell you….. If you are anywhere CLOSE to one of Justin’s Open Book Tour: GET YOUR BUTT THERE!! When I say close, I am saying this show is worth driving 400+ miles to see! We drove it and would do it again in a second. So check out where Justin is playing next and get there! I have included the tour schedule below for you and head over to the Blue October website to get your tickets!

I have included some of my favorite videos of that night for you to take a look at and enjoy.

~ Marisol







Information & Links: 

Website:  www.BlueOctober.com

Facebook:  www.facebook..com/BlueOctober

Twitter: www.twitter.com/blueoctober

Tour Dates and Links on Blue October Website

Apr 04, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
Apr 05, 2013
Santa Ana, CA
Apr 06, 2013
Scottsdale, AZ
Apr 07, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Apr 10, 2013
Englewood, CO
Apr 12, 2013
Minneapolis, MN
Apr 13, 2013
Milwaukee, WI
Apr 14, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Apr 17, 2013
Tulsa, OK
Apr 18, 2013
Dallas, TX
Apr 19, 2013
Austin, TX

Apr 19, 2013
Austin, TX
May 01, 2013
New York, NY
May 02, 2013
Cambridge, MA
May 03, 2013
Washington, DC
May 04, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
May 07, 2013
Chicago, IL
May 08, 2013
Chicago, IL
May 09, 2013
Ann Arbor, MI
May 11, 2013
Council Bluffs, IA
May 13, 2013
Cincinnati, OH
May 14, 2013
Atlanta, GA
May 15, 2013
Nashville, TN
May 16, 2013
Little Rock, AR

8 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Most anticipated CD Release, Sway by Blue October | Music Junkie Press
  2. SWAY by Blue October and new Bleed Out Video Release! | Music Junkie Press
  3. Blue October SWAY tour lights it up at the Fillmore in San Francisco | Music Junkie Press
  4. Blue October reawakens your soul with their spectacular performance on the SWAY Tour | Music Junkie Press
  5. BLUE OCTOBER at The Altar Bar, May 14, 2014 by guest contributor Mark Iman | Music Junkie Press
  6. Justin Furstenfeld of Blue October set for a 5 week residency in Los Angeles at the Hotel Cafe | Music Junkie Press
  7. Justin Furstenfeld of Blue October set to release Songs From an Open Book | Music Junkie Press
  8. Justin Furstenfeld of Blue October new CD, Songs From an Open Book is OUT NOW! | Music Junkie Press

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