Midnight Cinema new EP will have you Holding your Breath!


Midnight Cinema

So guess what just came out? If you had your calendars marked right as I told you, you would be listening along with me to the new Midnight Cinema EP. If not, let me tell you about this great new EP by Midnight Cinema which is composed of members of the highly successful band, Thriving Ivory.

As I told you before… It is not as much a reincarnation but more of an evolution of their creative talents.  Clayton Stroope  will have you again, magically transported  as his vocals take you on an emotional journey that truly touches your soul.  Drew Cribley’s melodic guitar playing will heightens your senses and Paul Niedermier brings it all together on drums. Midnight Cinema is truly harmonious symmetry at its finest.

You start off  “Crazy Beautiful” that just brings the energy driven emotional vocals to life. You can’t help but start right at the beginning with yourself moving and ready to inhale more of the  beauty that Midnight Cinema brings.

Next, they bring you their hit that I told you about before, “Hurricane”. This has every sign of being their biggest hit off this EP. You can’t  help but get wrapped in Clayton’s vocals as he captures your every mood and has you swirling in your own emotional Hurricane. I love this one so much.

“Heavy” is next and it has a much more serious tone to it at first but takes you on an ethereal ride into bliss. Definitely can see this one being their next single off this EP after Hurricane.

“Holding My Breath” really makes me miss Thriving Ivory. This song almost reminds me of where Thriving Ivory left off. I don’t know why. It just brings such an emotional pull out of me in sincerely the best way. My mind is racing with so many different memories. Actually, I will be  honest with you, it reminds me of Angels on the Moon and how that song emotionally touched me as I lost my daughter  years ago. This song really hit a chord with me in such a beautiful way. I can only imagine what this song will bring to others. It is so well written, lyrically and musically. I actually thought of my Julia in such a sweet way and couldn’t help feeling good at the same time missing her.

“Burn Me Now” is the last song on the EP and brings you right back to where you started. Energy, emotion, beautiful lyrics, and will have you putting this CD on replay for a long time coming. I know I will. I truly am so pleased with what Midnight Cinema gave to us with their gift of music.

They are going to have their EP release party/show on July 23rd at Cafe Du Nord in San Francisco. I hope you come and join us as we celebrate this great CD!

Here is their first “hit” off the EP titled, “Hurricane”. I say “hit” because it really is incredible and I can see it having a rapid climb on the charts. I love it. Here is the video for “Hurricane”

You can check out an Interview which we did with Clayton Stroope back in May. 

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Music Junkie Press:  Can you tell us how Midnight Cinema got started?

Clayton:  Midnight Cinema was started during a song writing session in 2010 with some of our good friends and co-writers in New York. We had taken a break from touring as Thriving Ivory to do some writing and realized that the new batch of songs were different in a good way. We thought we had something special going on and wanted to move in a new direction. So we decided to think of a new name. That’s the worst part of starting a new band…

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Music Junkie Press: We have heard “Hurricane” and I will say, totally blown away by this first song! Definitely a great song and has us wanting so much more. Do you have any dates on your debut album of Midnight Cinema?

Clayton: The debut 5 song EP will be released digitally on July 9th! Our first show will be in our home town of San Francisco on July 23rd! Check out the official Midnight Cinema page and website for info!

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Music Junkie Press: We loved Thriving Ivory and really look forward to your new venture! Where can we get your music and what are your social media sites that we should stay updated on?

Clayton: Check out our official Facebook page and website. All the info about our EP release, upcoming shows and day to day happenings can be found here. Come check us out and say hi!   (All links listed below)

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Music Junkie Press:  Can you tell us when you first started in Music and what was the first song you ever learned how to play in its entirety?

Clayton:  Oh, man that goes way back. I started playing guitar and singing when I was about eight I think. I remember being extremely frustrated because I wanted to play the kind of rock songs my dad played for me and all I could manage to strangle out of the guitar was Mary Had a Little Lamb. But I’m pretty sure that I learned to play “This Land is Your Land” for the talent show…humble beginnings…

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Music Junkie Press:  If we could peak into your Ipods, what artist or song might you think we would be most surprised at finding on there?

Clayton:  Ooooh, you’d probably be surprised to find Brooks and Dunn. I’m a pretty big country fan.

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Music Junkie Press:  At Music Junkie Press, we are very strong believers about how music can change your mood, your life, heal your soul and just help you make it through the day. Do you have a personal story you could share where music helped you through a certain situation?

Clayton:  I don’t have one specific example but I can say that music has been a present and strong force in my life since I was a kid. It has always been there for me in the good times, and the bad times. I definitely feel like all music lovers have a special soundtrack that runs alongside the story of their life. The power of music is that it embeds itself in our memory. The life events we go through are attached to the music we were listening to at that time. That’s why I love making music. I have the privilege of being a part of those memories on other peoples’ lives.

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Music Junkie Press:  We all have Go To songs that just can lift us or energize us.  What is your Go To song?

Clayton:  Right now it’s “I Love It”, by Icona Pop

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Music Junkie Press:  What was your first concert you ever went to?

Clayton: My parents took me to see Kenny Loggins. Hey who doesn’t like Caddy Shack!

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Music Junkie Press:  If you could go back and talk to your 14 year old self, what advice would you give to yourself?

Clayton: Do your homework, be nicer to girls, and find something you love to do and work as hard as you can at it. Now whether the 14 year-old me listens is another question.

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Music Junkie Press:  Is there anything else you would like to share with our audience?

Clayton: Just that they check out the new music and come see a show. We’re excited for everyone to hear the new stuff!

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So make sure to visit Midnight Cinema‘s Social Media sites and stop in and say Hi!  Now that the new EP is out head over to Itunes and download it, it is incredible!! Here is the link for you. Also I hope you make plans to come on out to Cafe Du Nord on the 23rd! Music Junkie Press will be there and we look forward to the new music.

~ Marisol

Information & Links:

Facebook:   www.facebook.com/MidnightCinemaMusic

Website:     www.midnightcinemaofficial.tumblr.com/

Itunes: www.itunes.apple.com/us/album/midnight-cinema-ep/id666544282

Twitter:    www.twitter.com/MidCinMusic

Music Video: http://youtu.be/qHhOD0YkKMA


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