Our next spotlight band is none other than the infectious alt-pop pyschedelic rock of Jupiter in Velvet. We were immediately drawn into the world of Jupiter In Velvet as the music delivers a fusion of alternative, dance, electronic, pop and rock that delivers rich colors of emotion and feeds your soul. You can’t help but allow yourself to join Jupiter on a music journey that awakens your senses. It is vibrant, colorful, and rejuvenates your spirit. It has the nostalgia of classic Bowie yet with a modern flair, that has Jupiter In Velvet staking their claim on their signature sound.
Jupiter In Velvet is:
- Jupiter In Velvet: Lead guitar, lead vocals, songwriting
- Thomas Hockel: Drums
- Sean Little: Bass, backing vocals
- Damian Keckeisen: Guitar, keyboard, backing vocals
The new single, Rule Your Day is definitely a Go To track as it invites you to take control of your life, feel the moments and live! It is upbeat, addictive and will take you to new levels. You can pick up the new single, Rule Your Day by heading over to iTunes or CDBaby. We had the chance to chat with Jupiter about his music and what is next in store for Jupiter In Velvet. We are pleased to bring that interview to you here:
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Music Junkie Press (MJP): Thank you so much for taking the time out to talk with us here at Music Junkie Press. We were blown away with your music when we were doing our artist selections. You bring a much needed vibrant energy to the music scene! Can you tell us what some of your musical influences are?
Jupiter: I could go on for days with all the artists that have influenced me in one way or another. I love music and I love 2 listen 2 lots of different stuff. But here is a short list of some of the artists I think have probably had a little more effect on my musical energies: The Beatles, Little Richard, The Stones, Led Zepplin, The Who, David Bowie, Jethro Tull, The Ramones, Duran Duran, U2, Prince, The Pretenders, Simple Minds, The Sex Pistols, Black Keys, Grimes, Artic Monkeys, Nirvana & many, many more…
MJP: You are just about to release a new single, Rule Your Day, can you tell us about the new track and your inspiration behind it?
Jupiter: A kind of made for radio song with an unusual sound – it’s a backwards guitar sound that I kept hearing when I wrote it. The inspiration for the song came from all the lies and fairytales that we are told about how one should act in society, how one should be and feel and think. I have rejected it all. One sees a lot of sad people on the internet who don’t seem to know what it’s all about and how 2 change their situation – I wrote it for all of them.
MJP: We know you are out in London, but do you have any plans for some US shows? (If so, come to California first!!)
Jupiter: Actually I have been in the US since last fall. I have relatives up around Chicago and came to do some festival and club dates. So I have put a band together here and I am enjoying playing with the mates I have met here very much.
MJP: Your album The World Didn’t Start With U is a musical gem that became addictive earporn as we discovered it! We are excited to let our listeners know about it. Can you tell us more about the album and what it means to you?
Jupiter: Well, as usual the sound and styles of the songs were all over the place. But there is a bit of a theme that permeates the overall album. After a bit of travels during 2013 and 2014, I settled back down in London for a bit and wrote and recorded most of the tracks there. What inspired me is my own spiritual journey and what I have learned over the years versus what I see in the world. The title track is about the gaping lack of curiosity among so many people that I meet. They are looking for something, yet don’t seem interested in searching for the right questions that would send them in the right direction 2 find the answers to their lives. Life has great meaning and purpose, and it is everyone’s destiny 2 find the brilliance within and grasp that meaning.
MJP: With your new single release, will this mean that you are working on a new album or EP?
Jupiter: Yes I am! And I am very excited about it. It is going 2 be called ‘The One In The Many’. The first single ‘Rule Your Day’ was just released last Friday, June 24th along with a Lyric Video. The 2nd single called ‘Peace This Thing Together’ will be coming out at the end of July, with a lyric and regular video for it. The album itself is slated for release September 16th. The songs are all very unique both in terms of their style and their sound.
MJP: With so many changes in the music industry over the past couple decades, is there something that you would really like to see changed?
Jupiter: Yes, there are a couple of things I want 2 change. First, the subject matter and styles of main stream radio are both very narrow. I want 2 create a new tangent for sound and subject in the mainstream. There are so many excellent bands doing really brilliant and compelling music. But the industry is all so controlled. A music revolution happened in the late 70’s – early 80’s and it can happen again. The other thing I want 2 change is how bands are treated in the industry. Bands are the very last 2 get paid in the whole chain of players – the record companies, the agents, the promotional people, the concert promoters, the radio stations, the publishers, the people who license music for TV, film, and on and on. Club, bars, festival promoters all using bands to bring people in to their venues and then either don’t pay them at all or, pay them a pittance that is not enough 2 survive on. Musicians need 2 do music – it is what makes them feel alive. They are very akin 2 addicts and the industry takes advantage of that. Profit is good, greed is not.
MJP: The internet has its pros and cons, do you ever find yourself having to completely disconnect from the digital overload?
Jupiter: Yea, it is fantastic 4 being able 2 get your music out 2 so many people, yet it is so time consuming that it can just burn U out. Sometimes I just want 2 scream and smash my computer. But I have 2 pause, regain perspective and remember what the internet has done 4 my music.
MJP: Your music brings out a sincere carefree fun side out of the listener, leading them to feel the music, dance and rock out. How is it for your live shows when you get to connect with the audience and visually see the impact you make on them?
Jupiter: Live shows are the best for me. I love performing and I love connecting with my audience. It is natural 4 me 2 give it all without bounds. Most people who see me live, tell me that the music live is better than the recordings. It is hard 2 squeeze one’s soul in2 the binary numbers of a computer.
MJP: How about yourself, is there a particular song from an artist/band that is your Go To track to get you ready for anything?
Jupiter: No, not really. It all depends on my mood.
MJP: Will you be working on a video for Rule Your Day?
Jupiter: I did just a Lyric Video 4 ‘Rule Your Day’. Here is the link:
MJP: Lastly, is there anything else you would like to share with our fans or audience?
Jupiter: Question the world U live in. Question yourself. Challenge yourself. The Truth is within each of us. Don’t be afraid 2 take risks. Life is meant 2 be an adventure. No risk, no return. And… Thanks so very much 4 your support!
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We look forward to follow the music journey of Jupiter in Velvet and can’t wait for some West Coast shows. Meanwhile, you can catch them live at the following dates:
- Chicago – Red Line Tap – August 27
- Detroit – PJ’s Lager House – September 3
- Milwaukee – Shank Hall – September 9
Make sure to visit their social media sites and stay up to date on their latest news. Spread the word about Jupiter in Velvet as they brighten your mood with their alt pop pyschedelic rock!
~ Marisol
Information & Links:
- Website: https://www.jupiterinvelvet.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jupiterinvelvet
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jupiterisvelvet
- Tumblr: https://www.jupiterinvelvet.tumblr.com
- Soundcloud: https://www.soundcloud.com.jupiterinvelvet
- iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jupiter-in-velvet/id571336815
- CD Baby: https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/jupiterinvelvet13
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