Earlier today, Brian Dugan, drummer for Candlelight Red announced his departure from Candlelight Red. He posted the following on Facebook today.
“Well another tour down and in the books. Unfortunately it will be my last playing the drums for Candlelight Red. Due to a busy tour schedule, which is good for the band, and family obligations at home,I felt it to be the time to step aside. In this business it is difficult at best to find a balance between both. This band is off to great things and I would never want to hinder its progress. To all the friends and fans I have met….thank you! This has been one of the best experiences of my life and one for which I am truly blessed. It saddens me to leave but at this stage is an unfortunate necessity. I will always be a fan of this band which has taught me so much about music and myself. To them I say thank you and to all my friends I say the same. Who knows what the future will bring…but until then, God bless.”
We truly wish Brian all the best and of course, family does definitely come first in our books. I am sure it must have been a hard decision and we support him as well as the Candlelight Red guys as they continue on. Candlelight Red recently released their new CD, “Reclamation” and they have been touring non-stop in support of the album. Their second full length album “Reclamation” was produced by Sevendust drummer Morgan Rose and released through Imagen Records.
Here is a Facebook post from Candlelight Red:
“We are sad to announce that Brian Dugan will not be continuing on with Candlelight Red. He has family obligations at home that will be very difficult to balance w our very rigorous tour schedule. We wish him all the best and its been a great time jamming with him! We will be back out July 21 in Portland. We’ll see everyone soon on the trail!”
There has been no word on who will be replacing Brian but we will keep you updated as we get more news. For now make sure you have your copy of Reclamation. You can get it here from Imagen Records as well as other great Candlelight Red merch or download from Itunes here. Make sure to check their upcoming tour dates so you don’t miss a show. Candlelight Red always deliver an energy filled high octane concert! You can also check out an interview we did with Candlelight Red earlier this year when they came to San Francisco.
UPDATE 7/17 – Candlelight Red announces Scott Sellers from Atlanta (Uncrowned, Fozzy) will be replacing Brian. So let’s all welcome Scott aboard and we look forward to seeing him out on tour.

~ Enjoy, Marisol
Upcoming Tour Dates:
Information & Links:
- Website: www.candlelightred.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/Candlelightred
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/CandlelightRed
- Youtube: www.youtube.com/candlelightred
- Itunes: http://bit.ly/CLRiTunes
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