Country Pop Singer Sam Paige releases emotionally driven track, People Pleaser

Photo Credit: Kerrigan Barry


Country Pop Singer Sam Paige delivers an emotionally driven new track, People Pleaser. Her new single was co-written with Nashville’s Producer Alex Seier. Sam’s music is a direct reflection of her life and experiences. She comments about the track,

“As I grow in my life and as an artist, it is important to me that I tackle things in my own life that I need to improve on and or at the very least acknowledge without shame.  It is my hope that others will hear this song and identify with my honest admission that I am a serial people pleaser. It’s never too late to change and through songwriting I find it very therapeutic to address my shortcomings. I do love pleasing people, however I am also learning to please myself.” 

The infectious new track shows how people pleasers will change themselves to appease those around them, which of course brings about mental exhaustion.

The song and music video “People Pleaser” is an absolute must watch and listen and gives us an inside view of our own selves.  There is comfort in knowing that others feel the same as you and Sam assures everyone that you can find someone who won’t make you feel that way.  “I wanted the music video to be a bit tongue and cheek, showing how “we” can shift and change ourselves so quickly at the expense of ourselves for others.  I had so much fun making the music video, grateful to my team for their help!  It was a lot of clothing changes.” – Sam is looking forward to dropping a few more singles before releasing her first EP in the fall of 2024. 

Check out the new song/video here:


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