King Isis releases grunge filled new single Dissonance

King Isis releases new single Dissonance. The grunge filled track produced by frequent collaborator and childhood friend, Jaden Wiggins.  King Isis comments,

“’Dissonance’ is a song about embracing the differences that make us whole, that make us who we are. It leans into the ‘other,’ a celebration of the pieces of selves that we may feel adverse to or are socially rejected. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to conform and present in ways that were outside of myself to appease the perceptions of others. So this is a song about being happy and full in my own, however that shows up. It’s embracing the tension and uneasiness in self and communal discovery, just loving yourself fully and those around you who embrace that difference.”

Check out the new song/video here:


Dissonance follows the release of the breakout EP shed which was released in March by the Oakland born King Isis.  About shed:

heavily inspired by Gloria E. Anzaldúa’s seminal text Borderlands/La Frontera and its examination of snakes as a metaphor and theme of purging. King Isis was also featured on ”Bob Dylan Bus” with Kenny Mason and Monte Booker for Pigeons & Planes’ See You Next Year 2 compilation album and hit the road quite a few times this year. They joined Mehro on his Reason to Live tour wrapping in late March as well as shows at Stern Grove Festival in San Francisco and The Blue Basement at Third Man London.


We were first introduced to King Isis at Outside Lands 2023 and then had the opportunity to catch them last year as they performed for Noise Pop Due South concert series. The future keeps on getting brighter and brighter as they continue to release new music that balances self discovery, catharsis and pure bliss.  Here are some photos from their Noise Pop show:

Make sure to visit the social media sites and stay up to date on the latest news.

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