Check out our interview with indie pop rockers, Crocodile


I wanted to let you know about a great little EP that will be released this week. The band is Crocodile from Austin, Texas and they are bringing a fresh new take on the classic sound of The Beatles yet not dated as such. They are indie pop rock swaddled in a 60’s vibe that bring the right balance between melody and fuzz that is inviting and quite addictive.  Their new EP Crocodile Vs. The Mutant Alligators From Space will have you thinking you are listening to a lost reel from The Beatles. They have successfully capture the innocence of music and wrapped it in a style that will have you captive from first listen.  Gianni talks about the EP recording process, “[It] is very personal for me. A lot of trial and error, I very rarely know exactly where a song is going. I like to look at it as the songs shaping themselves and me being just a medium.” As for the future? “I’ve been recording a lot of songs on my own that I’m compiling into a concept album I’ll be (hopefully) releasing by the end of the year.” Keep an eye out, and catch up with Crocodile on Facebook, Twitter, and Bandcamp, and grab the new EP when it drops June 17th.”


We had the opportunity to chat with Gianni Sarmiento and are pleased to bring you that interview here:

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Music Junkie Press: We are excited about the release of your new EP Crocodile vs. The Mutant Alligators From Space. Can you tell us what this new EP brings out for you?

Gianni: I’m very happy with the EP coming out. I guess I get bored easily so I always look forward to having new content to cycle around, and I think this is the best collection of songs I’ve made so far.

Music Junkie Press: You all are really young but have this great 60’s vibe with your music, how did that come about?

Gianni: It just happens to be the music I’ve always loved. My family showered me with The Beatles since I was a baby so it’s well within my person.

Music Junkie Press: What artists/musicians have inspired you for your music?

Gianni: When I first started playing music I was very into of Montreal and Kevin Barnes has always been a big part of my music. I’ve grown apart from that since, but I think it’s very apparent still.

Music Junkie Press: We love the video for Rachel, will you be working on any videos for the new EP?

Gianni: you can expect a video for “My Friend” soon!

Music Junkie Press: We at Music Junkie Press are very strong believers about how music can heal, help, inspire and move, do you remember a particular time where music was there to help you the most? Can you share the story with us?

Gianni: Definitely when I was younger. I wasn’t a particularly happy child, and music created a sort of escapism reality to dive into. It was very therapeutic for me. I believe writing helped me to get to know myself and come into my own.

Music Junkie Press: Do you currently have any upcoming shows you can tell us about?

Gianni: Friday, June 27th at Spider house Ballroom in Austin, TX is our EP release show. Some great bands (Mini Pony, Matthew Squires and the Learning Disorders) are playing and it should be a good time. 18 and up!

Music Junkie Press: Plastic Towns is an amazing track you bring out a very real, raw honesty to that song, what was the inspiration behind it?

Gianni: I guess I would say it’s about anxiety now, but back when I wrote it, it felt very empty to me. Sometimes it takes a while for me to give meaning to whatever I’m saying.

Music Junkie Press: If someone was going to be seeing you in concert for the first time, what could you tell them they could expect at Crocodile show?

Gianni: It’s a fun show of good, classic inspired pop music!

Music Junkie Press: Another song from the EP that really shines is Somehow, it has such emotionally driven lyrics.  Can you tell us more about that song?

Gianni: I wrote that song a long time ago for a different band I used to be in. It was my “garage” project at the time, and “Somehow” was always my favorite song so I decided to bring it back to life with Crocodile.

Music Junkie Press: Do you have a particular song writing process?

Gianni: No. It’s all very random and always changing. I think most songwriters will tell you that they have no idea how to write a song. I know I don’t. It just happens after endless trial and error.

Music Junkie Press: If Crocodile could be a comic book, what would each of your superhero names and super powers be?

I think each of us would represent a different animal and each have a giant mech that would all form together a-la-Power Rangers to form a giant crocodile, since crocodiles are obviously the best animal of them all.

Music Junkie Press: If you could take a song from a completely different genre and turn it into a Crocodile style what might that be?

Gianni: I’ve been wanting to cover “Toxic” by Brittney Spears. I love that song.

Music Junkie Press: If we could peak into your Ipod, what artist or song might we be most surprised at finding in there?

Gianni: Maybe Arctic Monkeys or something in that range. That’s a hard question to answer.

Music Junkie Press: Lastly, what would you like to share with your fans and audience?

Gianni: I hope you’re having a great day! And if you’re not, I hope some of my music helps. Also, you’re beautiful.

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I hope you get a chance to pick up the new EP by heading over to their bandcamp page here. The EP is five great songs that will soon be the soundtrack of your summer. Check out one of my favorite songs from the EP Somehow here:


Crocodile have announced their release show set for June 27th at the Spider House in Austin. You can visit their Facebook Event page for more details. Make sure to visit their social media sites and stay up to date on their latest news.

~ Marisol

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