Day 4 of 12 Days of Vocalists is for Danny Worsnop


Here we are on Day 4 of our 12 Days of Vocalists and for this day, we highlight a very special vocalist, Danny Worsnop of Asking Alexandria, We Are Harlot and solo artist.  Danny is one of those of talented artists who can tackle any style of music and completely give it his own signature style.  He kicks ass with Asking Alexandria where he can deliver some of the best growls and screams in the industry and then completely rocks when he sings for We Are Harlot. With his solo work, you wouldn’t even believe it is the same person as he takes you through emotionally driven songs with passionate vocals.  I don’t think there is anything this man can’t sing and make it sound great.  His powerful vocals have been in high demand as he continues to be featured on many bands’ songs. His versatility can have him singing country one day, emotional ballads,  hitting some of the highest notes and he can transition right into the deep dark growls and screams. Amazing work!


Danny is also a bad ass frontman as brings out an intense rock n roll presence to the stage, not to mention is quite funny with his anecdotes and stories! He is absolutely in control of the audience as he can incite a mosh pit the length of the entire venue! This past year he has extensively toured with Asking Alexandria as well as played several shows for We Are Harlot at many major festivals like Rock on The Range, Rocklahoma, Aftershock, etc.  We Are Harlot even broke a record for the largest attendance at a band’s debut performance when they took the stage at Rock on The Range.  We just caught Danny as he came through San Francisco for the Asking Alexandria Moving On Tour, he once again delivered a top notch stellar performance and had the crowd begging for more.


Stay tuned for 2015 because it will be a wild one as We Are Harlot will be playing at a string of major festivals and will begin touring in support of their debut album. Their debut album has been one of the most anticipated releases of 2o14 and after hearing snippets of it, don’t worry, it is well worth the wait! It is going to completely ROCK YOUR WORLD!

You can check out some videos of Danny and Asking Alexandria as well as a couple interviews with We Are Harlot.  Also, make sure to visit their social media sites and stay up to date on his latest news.

~ Marisol

Information & Links:

Danny Worsnop:

Asking Alexandria: 

We Are Harlot: 


We Are Harlot Interview at Aftershock 2014



Asking Alexandria with Heidi Shepard at Aftershock 2013

We Are Harlot Interview NAMM 2014

We Are Harlot Aftershock 2014 Denial



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