Interview with Jeff Rains of Rains
We had the chance to sit down with Jeff Rains of Rains at the infamous Viper Room on the Sunset Strip. Jeff was getting ready to play an acoustic set for the Revolver Golden Gods “Aftermath” Party. Jeff talks about his new album which we are all so excited about! Check out the interview and make sure to visit his social media sites so you can stay up to date on his tour dates, upcoming album and not to mention they have another treat for us this Christmas! So join me in the Rains Revolution and crank it up loud! ~ Marisol Website: www.rainsmusic.com Facebook : www.facebook.com/Rainsmusic Twitter: www.twitter.com/RainsBand Youtube: www.youtube.com/Rainsband Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/stories/id481740621 Rains Merchandise: http://www.rainsmusic.com/#!store/c60z Video created by Rockin’ Ryan’s Garage: Youtube.com/Rockinryansgarage and Facebook: www.facebook.com/RockinRyan