Check out Mick James new video for “Speeding Like a Fiend”
Last week I was going to feature a great new video for “Speeding Like a Fiend” from highly noted singer/songwriter/musician/actor/producer/engineer, Mick James. Mick has been highly successful in many careers as well as has his own studio, Freedom of Speech Recording Studios in New York. Unfortunately, last week as I was about to post his video, it was taken off by Youtube for whatever reasons they claim. It is quite ironic that Mick, someone who truly believes in Freedom of Speech and then yet, becomes a victim of it by the video platform. The video has since returned to Youtube but they had to start over again and lose all the original views. We asked Mick about the video takedown and he had this to say, “I do feel I have been a victim of haters. It seems the more popular you get the more people try & tear you down. I have seen much worse on Youtube. They had no problem letting me put it back up It just had to start over again. So I [Read More]