Vacationer is our BottleRock Napa 2015 Featured Band of the Day
Today our BottleRock Napa Featured Band is Vacationer. With Vacationer joining the lineup at BottleRock it promises to be a fun chill time. One thing is for sure, you are guaranteed to have the most feel good time when they perform. We caught Vacationer when they came to perform last year at Slim’s and is still one of my favorite shows. Vacationer is a collaborative effort with vocalist/bassist Kenny Vasoli and his production partners Grant Wheeler and Matthew Young from the band Body Language. Check out our interview with Kenny from his show at Slim’s : There is something about watching them perform where you are just whisked away to a tropical island, surrounded by friends, singing along and sharing the most relaxed, kick back atmosphere in a room full of friends. Whatever things are on your mind, worries or challenges you may be facing, the second you listen to Vacationer, they all just disappear and you can’t help but have a great time. It is an instant mood elevator and you feel like you [Read More]