BottleRock Napa Featured Band of the Day is The Joy Formidable
We are very excited to announce The Joy Formidable as our Featured BottleRock Napa Band of the Day. They truly bring out raw honest emotion in their music as well as lyrics that captivate you. They are set to bring their infectious music to BottleRock Napa Festival this year. They are set to release their new album Hitch later this month on March 25th which features their single, The Last Thing on My Mind. They are currently on tour in South America and we can’t wait for their set at BR! Music: Hitch is their latest album due out on March 25th, you can pre-order on their website: https://www.thejoyformidable.com/store Songs to Check out: This Ladder is Ours Video to check out: The Last Thing on My Mind Check them out out and make sure to visit their social media sites for the latest news. Make sure to mark your calendars for the weekend of May 27-29th for the BottleRock Napa 2016 Festival. You can get more details about the festival and pick up your tickets at http://www.bottlerocknapavalley.com You [Read More]