BottleRock Napa Featured Band of the Day is Michael Franti and Spearhead
We are pleased to announce Michael Franti and Spearhead as our featured BottleRock Napa Band of the Day today. We are so excited to see Michael return to BottleRock as he truly feeds your soul with his amazing music. Last year the crowds went wild when Michael was performing on stage or simply doing an acoustic song or two as he traveled the festival site. Michael has just announced his Soul Rocker Tour for this summer. Michael tells more about it, “I make music because I believe it can change people’s lives and make a difference in the world — it has the power to give us new energy and connects us to a stronger sense of purpose. This summer’s tour will be an opportunity for us all to come together, to celebrate life, each other and what it truly feels like to be alive. It will be a great summer to rock out! See y’all on the road for the SOULROCKER TOUR!” soul·rocker 1. One who lives from the heart, with compassion for all, [Read More]