Denmark dishes up some some Cold Black for great Hard Rock!

I have been listening lately to some great Heavy Hard Rock by the Danish Band, Cold Black. I discovered them a few weeks ago and have been anxiously waiting for their EP which is just released. They have a great heavy sound that reminds me of Ā some of my favorite bands, like Asking Alexandria blended with Black Veil Brides and a touch of Motley Crue old school style! Leave it to the Danish to give us some new awesome hard hitting rock as we continue to thank them for the great gift of Lars Ulrich.

So coming from their hometown of Copenhagen, Denmark; Cold Black is Victor “Terry” Rimpler on Vocals and Bass, Alex Rimpler and Martin “Sane” Dupont on guitars and Jamal Aaron Gordon on drums. They have just released their new video which is produced by Torben Packert, and hasĀ Patrick DrƦby Ravn on cameras/editing along with Production byĀ Tobias Wiig JĆørgensen, Lucas Haim & Pernille Bitsch and the assistance ofĀ Patrick Schouw & Anders Elgaard. Victor blends his charismatic chorus with his awesome hard hitting vocals and his pounding bass that is reminiscent of great Gene Simmons of Kiss. Then you get to enjoy the double trouble of Alex and Martin on guitars. Now you throw in Jamal on the drums who loves that ride cymbal bell after his drum fills that will have you wanting more! I hope these guys head out here to the States for some shows because their sound is one that we need more of in live shows!

The video is forĀ their song, “A Song Unsung” which will be on their new EP “From Scratch” that is out on Spotify and Itunes. It has four great songs to get you familiar with their music and I can’t wait to hear more from them. Make sure to go and buy their EP, you will be happy to add them to your Heavy Rock Playlist.

Here is their new video for their song:

Make sure to take a listen and crank up some Cold Black!

~ Enjoy, Marisol

Cold Black Facebook: Ā Ā Ā

Cold Black Twitter: Ā  Ā  Ā www.twitter.comColdBlackMusic

Cold Black Youtube: ĀĀ 

Cold Black Itunes Ā  Itunes.comĀ 


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