Check out the new Nevada Rose album, Paint Me In Light

nevada rose

Check out the new album, Paint Me In Light by electronicore band, Nevada Rose. The album is set to release tomorrow on June 17th but today they are streaming it via the Tragic Hero Records Youtube. Check it out here:



Their new blend of electronicore take you from dance mix blends to deep heavy growl style metal so get ready to dance your ass off while headbanging! One thing is for sure, they will definitely summon every bit of energy you have and take you to new levels. Kaj Roth explains, “Mark my words, this band will shake your house. Expect to hear more about Nevada Rose on the web from now on because Paint me in light is just like an amusement park ride, breathtaking and entertaining. Imagine a rave party invaded by Hells Angels bikers and you´ll get this 11 track album.



Their new sound is as if someone kidnapped Skrillex (aka Sonny) and forced him to join Asking Alexandria….but you know what? This blend works great and maintains a seamless balance of electronic dance hooks amid heavy drums and yet delivering inviting harmonies and pop melodies. It is quite a musical gem and I think will definitely appeal to a wide audience, regardless of where your genre alliance may lie.

Paint Me In Light was produced by Andrew Wade (A Day To RememberThe Word AliveMotionless in White) and during the process they knew that they had something special with this album “We wrote this record with the intention of giving each track its own individual feel,” says DiMarco. “No two songs came together the same way. The band will bring an idea to the table and songs would complete themselves by experimenting with electronics, guitar layers, and vocal patterns.” As far as the lyrical aspect of the album, most of the foundation was laid by Imperato and then each band member contributed from their life experiences, personal struggles, relationships and the pursuit of personal goals and dreams.

So make sure to pick up the album tomorrow but for now head over to Tragic Hero Records Youtube page and crank it up loud! Also be sure to visit their social media sites to stay up to date on their latest news. You will definitely be hearing a lot from this exciting new band, Nevada Rose. We will see if we can bring you an interview with them.

~ Marisol

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