Party Planning Guide for
Revolver Golden Gods Awards 2013!
As you know from my recent post about the Oscars, we don’t throw parties to watch the award shows unless it is the Revolver Golden Gods Awards. Well, with the awards being only 6+ weeks ago, we have to get started in planning your perfect Revolver Golden Gods Awards Viewing Party! The date for the show is May 2, 2013.
4 to 5 Weeks before your party
- Make an Invitation List. Here is where you have to really tailor your list to the right audience. When you are drawing up your list of names; ask yourself some questions about the guests so you know you are targeting the right guests. The last thing you want at your party is someone asking over and over is Kanye going to sing?, or Who is Metallica? or even worse, what is this Revolver thing – thought it was a gun??? Time to show them the door and you may want to rethink them as your friend at that point!! Just kidding, not really but you know what I mean. You want to enjoy the party and the show with your friends who have the same interests.
Send Invitations. You can mail, e-mail even phone your invitations. Get creative on this one. If you want to have a lot of fun, you can get some ideas from my sample invitation that is also a way of weeding out the people who wouldn’t fit right in to our metal and hard rock party. Also, make sure to include the link to the Revolver Golden Gods Awards Voting Page and encourage all your guests to vote and continue voting up until the deadline of April 15, 2013. It gets everyone involved and you can all watch as your favorites win!

– Plan the Menu. Here is where I am going to help you. We have come up with a menu plan tailored specifically to the Revolver Golden Gods Awards nominees and performing artists. They are all easy to make, appetizer and finger food style and are all named after the bands or artists. We will have complete recipes up for you to use. Here are some of the menu items and we are continually adding to it:
- Metallica “Black”ened Salmon Bites
- Dee Snider Sliders complete with the signature Dee hair via french fried onions!
- Sebastian Slow Roasted Baby Bach Ribs
- Tony Iommi Macaroni cups
- Dillinger Escape Sandwich Plan
- Stone Sour Apple Margaritas also Stone Sour Apple Lemonade (non-alcoholic)
- Five Finger Death by Vodka Punch (also without alcohol)
- Halestorm Chicken Love Bites with homemade honey mustard and spicy mustard sauces.
- Anthrax powdered cookie balls
- Rob Zombie Death by Chocolate Brownies
2 Weeks Before your Party
By now you should have an idea of how many people will be attending your party and you can begin to plan your menu and shopping lists.
– Clean and gather all your serving trays, glasses you will need. You can either go really nice and pull out the china and crystal or you can head over to the Party stores and get plastic cups, dishes. Take note that at the party stores, you can find all the dishes, cups and tablecloths in all BLACK (of course for METAL) under their Over the Hill party aisle. Be creative and gather all your Hard Rock and Metal CDs and Albums to use as decorations. Pull out all your old Revolver Magazines to lay around for people to check out. Think about even setting up your amp and guitars so your guests can jam too.
– Decide your playlist. Here is where you can go over the list of nominees and artists and make sure to have some of everyone’s music for your playlist. If you are missing some, ask your friends to bring their CDs or Ipods or even better, look them up and buy your favorite songs from them to download. You never know, you may find a new favorite band by checking them all out.
– Do a first round of shopping. Here is where you can get a head start on buying what you need for the party whether it be supplies or groceries. Some of our menu items can be cooked and frozen for later.
One Week to 3 days Before Party
– Clean your house. If you do your thorough cleaning now you will only have to do a quick clean up the day before your party.
– Decide where the main area will be for the party. Remember that the Revolver Golden Gods Awards are being broadcast live on AXS TV and Xbox Live so make sure to have your Xbox system set up in the right room or have the TV set up. If you have a garage that is bare, that would be ideal to set up for the party.
– Finish all your grocery shopping. Go over your checklist and make sure to pick up the items you forgot or need.
Day Before the Party
– Clean your house.
– Set your tables.
– Prepare the meals that can be premade or do prep for the next day.
– Let your neighbors know you will be having a party. Since you may be having loud music (hopefully!) you will have a better chance of not bothering your neighbors by just giving them a quick heads up. You will be surprised at how this works! When my son will be having a loud band practice, I will let them know the day before, maybe bring them some of the appetizers and they won’t mind the loud drums or music on a Thursday night. Hell, you may even find out that your neighbors are metal heads and you can invite them too!
– Test your Xbox Live system and TVs so everything is working properly.
Day of the Party.
– Finish decorating.
– Prepare all the meals and drinks.
– Set up your music system.
– Have fun!
Some more tips on having a successful and fun Revolver Golden Gods Awards Viewing Party:
- If you want to keep costs down, when you send your invitations you can also include one of the menu item recipes and ask that guest if they can prepare and bring that item.
- Make sure to include kids and teens who are interested in Hard Rock and Metal. This is where they can really enjoy and share their love of the music with others. We need to keep Rock and Metal alive with every generation!
- Have fun with a game during the party. You can collect everyone’s ballots on who they voted for and give out a prize for the person who got the most correct. A great prize idea would of course be a year subscription to Revolver Magazine or how about some CDs from the bands!
- Think of your own recipe ideas for some of the nominees or ask your guests to bring an appetizer or beverage named after one of the nominees.
- Have your guests wear their favorite concert t-shirts.
- Play a game of “Who am I?” and make up the post its/cards with the names of the nominees or artists. Info on how to make your own Who am I? game here.
- Lastly, have some fun and crank up the music!
We will have complete menu recipes up within the next week so you can get started on your planning.
~ Enjoy, Marisol
Past Post on Revolver Golden Gods Awards.. Forget the Oscars, we want the Revolver Golden Gods Awards!
I already have my wife planning this. I can’t wait for the recipe for the Tony Iommi macaroni cups. this is gonna be a fun one
Reblogged this on Dee's Rock Nation.
That menu is METAL all the way. I voted too. I am hoping to try some of these even if I just have 5 guests. LOVE THE DEE SNIDER SLIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!