Watch Matt Nathanson’s inspirational new video for Headphones featuring his trip to Peru


Matt Nathanson recently made a trip to Peru with the Starkey Hearing Foundation on a mission to fit people with free hearing aids. As Matt says,

” i’ve been trying to write a short piece
about my experience for weeks now.
it’s been really hard. words kinda fail it.
if i didn’t have my hearing, i wouldn’t have music.
and if i didn’t have music, i definitely wouldn’t have
survived my childhood. listening to albums and
seeing bands and being connected to songs was
EVERYTHING to me. it still is. it makes me feel not
alone. it helps me transcend my broken brain.
in fact, the only reason i play music is because i
love it so much. i couldn’t stay on the sidelines,
i HAVE to be a part of it.


Going to peru was super heavy.
the people were incredible.
to be in service to them, to assist in
connecting them to their kids laughter,
to their parents voices, to MUSIC!…
it was completely humbling.
and overwhelming.
i felt love and gratitude towards other human
beings on a level i’ve never experienced.

see? it’s really hard to put into words…
so i’m glad we shot footage and made a video while
we were there. it does a WAY better job explaining
than i ever could.” 

Matt released a video for his song, Headphones featuring LoLo and it includes the footage from his trip to Peru. As you may not know, I am 100% Peruvian so it really is great to see the wonderful work that he and the Starkey Hearing Foundation has done. 100% of artist and label proceeds from this video are being donated to Starkey Hearing Foundation. For more information on how you can help, go to

Download the song on iTunes Amazon on Spotify

Check out the video here:


What an amazingly inspirational video and truly heartwarming! Matt is currently in London working on the next record and we truly can’t wait for it. Make sure to visit his social media sites and stay up to date on his latest news.

~ Enjoy, Marisol

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