The Halo Method takeover the Whisky a Go Go in Hollywood Nov. 7th!
The Halo Method is a rock band from Hollywood & Nashville and is definitely one you have to be on the look out for. They are rapidly gaining recognition and I am so glad to see it all happen. I first heard them a couple months back and put them on my list of bands to keep a close eye on. Well of course, things have been so busy that I haven’t taken the time to look at that list. Then, I heard their name again in an interview with Jonny Hetherington of Art of Dying and was so glad I did. Even in those short months, they have accomplished a lot. They have been busy working on their debut EP that will take the music world by storm. The Halo Method is Lukas Rossi (Rockstar Supernova), Ben Moody (Evanescence, We Are the Fallen), Dave Buckner (Papa Roach), and Josh Newell. Their music not only delivers a blend of hard rock, alternative, metal, goth and more, but their lyrics also tell incredible stories and take you on a journey through [Read More]