Reckless Love Rocks it for the 12th day of Christmas!
12 Days of Rock Christmas! Day 12 On the 12th day of Christmas my Rock and Roll love gave to me some bold glam rock with Reckless Love. Being the last day of the 12 Days of Christmas, I wanted to really bring out and highlight my love for 80’s rock and sleaze rock. It is as if Reckless Love were a band frozen in time just before the grunge and alternative rock took over the airwaves. Then they were thawed out and just came out guns blazing and ready to rock. These guys literally just have everything that I wanted back in my ’80s rock and so much more. They are delivering fresh new music and their song “Born to Break Your Heart” has topped the charts at No. 1 on Fin Radio. This song reminds could rival any Bon Jovi hits and I really like it! Reckless Love is from Kuopio, Finland and they started back in 2001, first by playing all Guns ‘n Roses cover songs. They have since put out two albums and [Read More]