An old friend with a new name, get to know Like Monroe
I wanted to tell you about a great band that I have been enjoying, A Candle Lit City but they have recently announced a name change due to member changes and new music. So I would like to introduce you to an old friend A Candle Lit City which is now under the name Like Monroe. Coming from Houston, Texas they are delivering alternative rock with a metal edge. We recently interviewed lead vocalist Ty Johnson: * * * * * * * * * * * Music Junkie Press: Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us here at Music Junkie Press. With the new name, will we be seeing a new album and if so, when might that be? Ty Johnson: Yes, we currently have a few songs ready and as for a release date for the new album it’ll most likely be early Fall. Music Junkie Press: We are very excited about the new album and can’t wait for it! Can you remember what was the first concert you ever [Read More]