As we begin to bring you our set recaps from Outside Lands, we would like to start off with one of our favorites. Dan Ashley performed at the Panhandle stage on Saturday and we were glad we caught the set. Dan brought his Americana Rock and Original Roll band to the festival and it was quite a fun time. Dan comments, “We had a terrific experience performing at Outside Lands this year. What a privilege to play such a major music festival, not just in San Francisco, but one of the biggest in the country”.

You might recognize Dan, he is a longtime ABC7 evening news anchor here in the Bay Area. Well, he definitely ROCKED the stage at Outside Lands. You couldn’t help but be held captive by his passion for his music, as he delivered songs that carried his emotion along with euphonious vocals. Dan tells us more about how it was performing this past weekend,
“From start to finish, performing at Outside Lands this year was a joy. It’s such an important music festival that is so well done in every respect. The stage crews are phenomenal and every aspect of the artist experience is designed to make certain that performers have everything they need to give the audience a great show”.
“We loved it. My band and I had a wonderful time performing at Outside Lands this year. I was honored to be asked and to be on the bill with so many phenomenal artists”.
“The chance to play my original Americana rock-n-roll for the Outside Lands audience was a real thrill and an honor. The audience seemed to really appreciate our songs and that is always very gratifying”.
“My thanks to Gregg Perloff and everyone at Another Planet Entertainment for giving me the chance to share my music at Outside Lands”. A great experience at a truly great event”.
Check out some photos of his set by our Rockin Ryan:
We can’t wait to see what is next in store for Dan Ashley. His music was an instant mood elevator and is exactly what this world needs more of. Whatever is ailing you, play some Dan Ashley to get you through it and you will be singing along in no time.
Dan comments on what is next for his music,
“As far as what next for my band (which just goes by Dan Ashley) , we have a lot of new music coming out over the next twelve months. We’ll probably release a new single every six to eight weeks. Coming off of the “Out There” album which got some notice on the charts and some airplay around the country and in the UK, I’m really excited to share the next series of songs that we’ve been working on. I try to write songs that touch a nerve, speak a truth, or reflect some of my observations about what’s happening around us from my decades working as a journalist. It’s important to me that my songs be about something meaningful whenever possible, that they tell stories.”
One of our favorite songs from his new album which we were able to catch live on Saturday is Da Na Na Na Na. The song is off his new album, Out There and you can check it out below:
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