Hard Rockers “Heaven Below” continue their rise
All my friends here in California already know about this great hard working rock band, Heaven Below but now it is time for EVERYONE to know about them. My son Ryan had met their lead singer and guitarist, Patrick Kennison at NAMM 2012 and we had their music blasting on our 7 hour drive home. They have such an intense energy throughout their songs as they deliver “in your face rock” which we all need more of now and days. Heaven Below rose from Los Angeles and has not stopped since. We had the chance to see them earlier this year at House of Blues Anaheim during NAMM 2013 and the place was packed. They always bring such a great crowd and if you ever see them coming to a town near you; Fly, Drive, Walk or Crawl to get to that show. You will be infused with high octane levels of rock and roll and will now be part of the Heaven Below family. You can get to know more about Heaven Below [Read More]