New Alt Pop Trio EXPLORING BIRDSONG release new single Turntail

New alt-pop band EXPLORING BIRDSONG has just released a new single, Turntail. The band comments on the new song,

In a similar way to the latest single ‘The Collapse’, the bones of ‘Turntail’ were originally formed a while back, whilst we were still at university. The first version of the song was actually written long enough ago that we were considering to be a part of our debut EP The Thing With Feathers. Where ‘Turntail’ differs from ‘The Collapse’, however, is we always knew there was a great song in there somewhere. The chorus we feel is one of the strongest we’ve ever written, and we didn’t want to force releasing a song we think may benefit from a revisit later down the line. Fortunately, we feel the wait has paid off, and the version of ‘Turntail’ you hear today is something we’re really proud of. It represents both the older parts of us, along with the fresher, future version of Birdsong, and releasing it now feels right.”

Check out the new song/video here:



  • Lynsey Ward – Vocals, piano
  • Jonny Knight – Bass guitar, synthesizer
  • Matt Harrison – Drums, percussion


Rarely are new groups as exciting, talented, or unique as EXPLORING BIRDSONG. Straddling pop, progressive rock, and uncategorizable genre-blending beauty, the band is unplaceable for the most part but brings to mind elements of Kate Bush, Sleep Token, Everything Everything, and Karnivool.

Seldom, do you hear a voice as captivating as frontwoman Lynsey Ward’s. Powerful, controlled, and spine-chillingly tender, Lynsey’s vocals help mark EXPLORING BIRDSONG as a prospect to watch, from the release of their acclaimed debut The Thing With Feathers (2019) to 2023’s EP Dancing in the Face of Danger.


EXPLORING BIRDSONG will be headlining Manchester’s
The Deaf Institute on June 22nd.
Support comes from Toria Woof and Cleaver Blue.



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