Knee High Fox tears it up at The Boardwalk with their fierce set!

We are still recovering from the incredible night of music on Friday at The Boardwalk in Orangevale, CA. It was an awesome night and Powerman5000  unleashed their energetic set and  9Electric killed it as well with their electronic rock.  Now we can’t forget to tell you about one of the coolest sets of the night, Knee High Fox from Los Angeles.

This was the first time I had heard of Knee High Fox but definitely not the last! They were incredible. You have Simon Nagel on bass who is incredible at engaging the crowd through his eye contact, making that solid connection that fuels their energy. Neal Tiemann on guitar was delivering a heavy set, headbanging like the rest of us and treating us to his sweet backing vocals. Matt Hankle on drums shines his character through his stage presence as he bangs out some fast precision drumming.  Then front and center you are captivated by the vocals of their frontwoman Christine Connolly. She is incredible and has a fantastic vocal capabilities as she takes you from punk angsty songs to alternative rock and even some smooth blues. Christine exudes an infectious charisma and reminds me of a blend of a young Joan Jett and Taylor Momsen, but in no way imitating, since Christine definitely has her own unique style! This band is quite versatile in their music and has something for everyone to love.  Check out a tribute video that Rockin Ryan put together with live footage from their Boardwalk set to Valentine:


Check out Rockin Ryan’s photos of their set at The Boardwalk here:

Also make sure if you are in Southern California to not miss Knee High Fox as they perform with Powerman5000 at their record release party on May 27th at The Viper Room. Make sure to also visit their social media sites and stay up to date on their latest news. You don’t want to miss Knee High Fox if they are coming to a venue near you.   I will leave you with a couple videos from their bad ass set at The Boardwalk.

~ Marisol

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