Photo Gallery of Sam Hunt at Shoreline Amphitheater by Sean Liming


Sam Hunt was a sold out show and you could tell by the amount of traffic on the freeways and streets. Cars parked randomly to beat the rush of traffic. People leaving their Uber and Lyft drivers on the freeway to jump the fence to stamped to the amphitheater because it was stopped traffic for miles. The usual hour and half drive to Shoreline became 3 hours of standstill traffic. You could see masses of cowboy boots and country attire walking the streets along with music of Sam Hunt in the air. Once this 32 year old Georgia boy hit the stage, the crowd went into a Beatles-like frenzy.

Women screaming the lyrics to each song and dancing to the every beat. Sam Hunt played to the crowd’s excitement and continued playing into the night. The fans sensing the the end of the show, they soon gradually made their way to the stage. Once then last note was hit, fans raced to the stage to get a picture or even to get a chance to touch this southern boy. And to be true to his southern roots, he aimed to please the fans with autographs, selfies and high-fives.

Photo Gallery of Sam Hunt:

Photo Gallery of Maren Morris:

Information & Links:


~ Photography by: Sean Liming Photography



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