Lyonn EP Knivsta is filled with lyrics of love, soft as a warm embrace


Allow the music of Lyonn to wrap around you as you dance with the melodies.  Lyonn is the musical project by Tyler Gelrud and from first listen, you will instantly be charmed by his voice.  Lyonn‘s current EP KNIVSTA is filled with honest and raw songs that beautifully tell the tales from Tyler’s life.

lyonn        EP

The first song Silver Screen Love is a romantic tale that will have you reminiscing of the first time you were deeply in love, even feeling the fluttering of those butterflies as you remember their name and those special moments. The vocals dance in your head as it paints the picture of romance.

On Bastille Day, once again you are drawn into the story of the song and the vocals are powerful and emotionally driven. Another song,  Dancing Machine is another acoustic delight that will have you swaying in the moonlight and is set to be on the soon to be released EP, Promenade.  You are really going to love it and I am excited that Lyonn is working on the follow up EP.   Check out the lyric video for Lyonn‘s Silver Screen Love


We had the opportunity to chat a bit with Lyonn and are pleased to bring you that interview here:

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Music Junkie Press: Your songs are so touching and meaningful, do you have a specific songwriting ritual or routine? 

Lyonn: Well first off thank you so much, you’re very kind and attractive. Ritual makes me think of witchcraft and even if I did do witchcraft I wouldn’t admit to it… I don’t. Maybe. In all seriousness I have no routine or ritual or pattern at all really. Usually lyrics just come out of nowhere and punch me and I quickly write them on my phone. Or a melody will pop in my head and I will record it on my phone as well. Force writing is never good to me, my songs tend to write themselves, I can’t explain it really, but I love it. It always leads to a meaningful and personal song, and those are the type of songs I like to think I write.

Music Junkie Press:  I should have said process since now I am thinking of all these weird ritualistic things! What are you currently working or performing anywhere?

Lyonn: I am currently finishing up the recording process of my sophomore EP “Promenade” which will come out in mid-late April! I am so excited for it. I am in Montreal until May networking and playing shows and just overall experiencing a whole new world (Coming from Southern California this really is a whole new world) It turns out snow does exist outside of movies! After Montreal I will head to California for a month and then to Tennessee to record again and just play my little butt off.

Music Junkie Press: Us at Music Junkie Press are firm believers that music can heal, help, compfort or inspire. Can you recall or share with us a time in your life where Music was there to help you the most?

Lyonn:  Everyday music comforts me. I don’t even need a girlfriend honestly because Chris Martin’s voice holds me better than anyone else could, excluding Emma Watson. I left home, Orange County, a couple months back and I am in a new city every weekend, it’s fun but also pretty scary. I am used to a stable life in California you know? There’s really no reason to ever leave California haha. So sometimes if I get overwhelmed or homesick or lonely I can just play music and it calms me down. It was my favorite bands I used to listen to as a teenager before bed that inspired me to write my own. If one person in the future says “Listening to Lyonn is the reason I picked up a guitar or started songwriting”  I would cry, it would make this all worth while. I fully agree with you all though, music is damn powerful and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Music Junkie Press:  I love Chris Martin too, charming vocalist! With your song, Silver Screen Love it is an amazing story, was it a personal inspiration behind it?

Lyonn:  Enough compliments already you sound like my mom!!! Kidding, keep em coming. Yes very much so! Almost all of my songs are straight up pages out of my metaphorical diary. It was a splendid night by the beach, I reference swimming in the ocean, and climbing the thousand steps, and just having an incredible night. A night that really does feel like it is out of a movie. One of those moments where you ask yourself the question “Could life get better than this?” The movie Casablanca gave me the idea to use silver screen. I thought back to those incredible romantic classics and the pieces of the puzzle just fit right in, and I’m really happy this song is doing so well. Every time I play it, it takes me back to that night, and I think a lot of people can relate to it as well.

Music Junkie Press:  Ok we will stop with the compliments…. well no, we can’t, you’re too good! What is your Go To song that you can listen to and it will instantly put you in a good mood?

Lyonn:  “Simple and Clean” or “Sanctuary” by Utada Hikaru!  Timeless songs. There are a few others, but those two popped in my head first! Absolutely stunning songs.

Music Junkie Press:  You are going to have me looking those up tonight! If I could peak into your Ipod, what artist or song might I be most surprised at finding in there?

Lyonn: The High School Musical soundtrack. I don’t know if that would surprise you honestly, but it’s there.

Music Junkie Press:  That would be surprising! For the EP title, what is the meaning behind it?

Lyonn:  Well my debut EP is called “Knivsta” which is a small Swedish city I fell in love with (as well as the girls that inhabit it) I traveled all through Europe this past summer and it inspired me immensely, so to pay homage to some incredible memories and nights I named the EP after a Swedish city.

Music Junkie Press:  I love that! Now, If you could go back and talk to your 14 year old self, what advice would you give to yourself?

Lyonn: Cut your fucking hair.

Music Junkie Press:  If you could take any song from a completely different genre and turn it into one of your passionate acoustic style, what might that be?

Lyonn:  Way too hard of a question! I think once a day I hear a song and I think, why the hell didn’t I write this? But at this moment I can’t think of even one. Probably an old hip hop song. Once I submit this interview I will think of 193748 songs I could have said and it will anger me.

Music Junkie Press:  Lastly, what would you like to share with our audience?

Lyonn:  I just want to thank everyone who has supported Lyonn so far. I am only 5 months old, and the response has been so warm. I want to promise, right here and right now, I will always and only put out real music. I will continue to write my own stuff, I will never be someone I am not, and I will continue writing music from the heart. If anyone listening to my music connects with it just know it is honest. It’s not a gimmick, I’m not a puppet, so please let yourself open up to it. There aren’t many real artists in the mainstream music world and I hope I can enter the mix with something honest and real. Thanks again everyone. I love you and your haircut.

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Now isn’t he a fun one?!  I love the passion that and energy that is put into each song and hope you enjoy it as much as we do here. Lyonn‘s music is filled with lyrics of love that are as sweet as a warm embrace. So please check out Lyonn‘s social media sites so you can stay up to date on the latest news. Check out the cover for the new EP which is due out in April.


~ Marisol

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