Juliette Lewis returns to the Bay Area with Juliette and the Licks to deliver spectacular mood elevating performance
Rewind back to our post in September 2016: ca·thar·sis kəˈTHärsəs/ noun 1. the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions. synonyms: emotional release, relief, release, venting, purification, cleansing “Juliettes performance was a true catharsis.” The charismatic energy of Juliette created a whirlwind of adrenaline that ignited the crowd with her electrifying pure raw emotional performance. If you have never witnessed a Juliette concert, well, let’s just say… you truly haven’t lived. It is an experience that you will never forget. You can’t help but feel every emotion that she expresses with her music. It is love, laughter, pain, exhilaration, loss and so much more. It is the medicine that we all need to nurture our souls and free ourselves of limitations. It is a cathartic experience that will leave you walking away a new person and wrapped in a positive energy. You are drinking life from the Juliette Lewis elixir and we all need a dose! Well, Juliette and the Licks returned to the Bay Area [Read More]